Chalk Pastel for Harmonising Transitions

To harmoniously transition from day to evening requires an inner change and a physiological change. You may like to do this colour exercise using tones of blue chalk pastels and experience what changes inwardly for you.

You will need a sheet of cartridge paper and chalk pastels in Cobalt blue, Ultramarine blue and a green of your choice.

To begin, use the cobalt coloured pastel.
Rub or shave the pastel surface onto a piece of cottonwool ball or onto an additional piece of paper from which the colour can be collected by the cottonwool ball or pad.

Apply the colour-filled cotton pad to your page moving it from right to left and then from left to right in a bowl shape.

Work your way down the page smoothly.

As you approach the centre of the sheet of paper add the darkest of the blues, the ultramarine blue, to your cotton pad and then transition to apply only the ultramarine in uninterrupted tones.

Upon reaching the bottom of the page, work on the right and then left alternately until the whole page has the blue bowl gesture (as seen in the photo). Your whole hand or part of your hand or a clean cotton pad can be used to gently smooth over any areas that are hardened, such as lines or where there is too strong contrast.

Seek to experience a feeling of breathing as you smooth the colours.

With the same technique, apply green pastel to a fresh cotton pad. Or using the full green pastel, apply it directly on the page. Build a rolling hill by beginning on the left bottom edge and moving to the right across the bottom edge. The rolling hills start to form as the colour is built to higher on the page and then move it into your rolling hills, by building it up from the bottom to about a quarter of the height of your page.

Use your fingers or a clean cotton pad to smooth the green pastel into the paper.

Allow the time to view and drink-in your finished piece. Perhaps putting it by your bed before entering into sleep.